What Are the Benefits of CBD Dog Treats?
With medical and recreational marijuana legal in some states, cannabis has been a hot topic that is getting a closer look. In recent years, scientists have found REAL BENEFITS of cannabinoids, the chemical compounds in marijuana and hemp, (there are literally a ton of things it’s good for – just google CBD).
CBD, or Cannabidiol is one of at least 113 active cannabinoids identified in cannabis. As many of you know CBD has been popular for humans, but CBD dog treats are now becoming more popular.
Wondering how it works? Your pet has natural cannabinoids called anandamide. The cannabinoids attach to receptors in the brain, or other parts of your pet’s body for longer than anandamide can. Studies will continue to build on the benefits of CBD for many types of animals.
While there have been more studies on CBD benefits in humans, it does show promise for pets. There have been a lot of positive, first-hand-experience reports from pet owners.
There are many things that CBD may be able to help your pet with and we invite our customers to do a internet search for the many benefits from many credible sources.
Are CBD Treats Safe for my Dog?
First, let’s be clear about what CBD is.
CBD and THC levels tend to vary among different plants. Although marijuana is sometimes referred to as hemp, there actually is a clear distinction. This article does a good job explaining the difference between hemp and cannabis. However, the bottom line is that marijuana is grown for recreational purposes and has been bred to contain high levels of THC. Industrial hemp, a high-growing plant typically bred for industrial uses such as oils, fiber for clothing, fiber for construction, etc., contains CBD but almost no THC when pollinated. The CBD used in dog treats is sourced from hemp not marijuana.
We know this is confusing so we want to be clear – Even though CBD is derived from hemp, it is not a drug and it will not get your dog high.
For over 8 years we have many regular customer's that have pets that benefit from our quality sourced pet CBD products and we invite everyone to search online for the benefits your pet may experience by using any form of CBD before purchasing any CBD pet products.
*These CBD Cannabinoid products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

*** We make no medical claims and all information provided is easily available from searching the internet. We also have regular customers who come back monthly and thankful for what the CBD products have done in their life but still encourage everyone to do their own research so they are comfortable with their decision on using any CBD products.